The mission of the School of Commerce, Management & Computer Studies library is to support in identifying, organizing, preserving and offering accessible resources that serve the needs of the Institute members and the students. In addition the library seeks to locate, acquire, organize and select the most appropriate material and make it accessible to the users. It is also the mission of the library to build a comprehensive, balanced library collection and provide a good environment for reading, learning and research.

About Library

SOCMACS library has a rich collection of books, Reference Books, National /International Journals and Magazines, Institute has a sufficient budget every year for the library to procure various reference books and text books as required by the faculty and students as per norms of AICTE .

The library is fully automated with “VRIDDHI”, an Integrated Library Management software with all modules. A traditional library transformed into an automated library which includes Online public access catalogue (OPAC) and Barcoding system for books, Non book materials and ID cards to enable laser scanning of issue and return. The Library is having CCTV Surveillance for 24/7.

The institute library is connected with the library network like DELNET, British Library and National Digital Library of India. Library Subscribes many reputed national and international journals and magazines, the journals and magazines are subscribed both in physical and digital format.

NO. of Books


Library Images:

Library Advisory Committee :

The SOCMACS  library has an advisory committee which comprises Chairman, HOD of BBA and BCA , Secretary and the Members from the library.

The role of the Library Advisory Committee (LAC) is to make recommendations to the Library concerning library needs. These issues may include policy matters, collections, services, and facilities.

The responsibility of the Library Advisory Committee is to facilitate coordination between Students & Faculty and the library.

Quorum of Library Advisory Committee :





Dr. Roshan Kazi 



Mrs. Aafreen Shaikh



Prof. Gauri Jadhav

Assistant Professor


Prof. Mehjabeen Inamdar

Assistant Professor


Prof. Sameena Shaikh

Assistant Professor

Library Rules :

Library Membership :

The access control cards (ID Card) will be issued to all the Library members. All the members of the library have to present their ID Card at the time of issue and return, without ID Card they will not have access to the library material, if the card is lost or damaged Rs. 150/- will be charged for making a duplicate ID.

All the entry and exit as reflected in the card will be recorded in the system. Users are requested to use these cards for entry and exit both; these cards are strictly NOT TRANSFERABLE

Procedure for Issuing Student ID card :

ID card procedure for Faculty/Administrative staff :

On appointment as full-time faculty or administrative staff, he/she automatically becomes a member of the library. Visiting faculty will be issued one Library Card on application in the prescribed form. The card will remain in force till the period of his/her teaching

Circulation of Materials :

The Library is following the Open Access System; members may check-out books or journals during working hours and should sign out the items at the library counter. A member from the student category may have a maximum of 3 books and one bound journal checked-out in their name at any time. The books are issued out for a maximum of two weeks, for the faculty member 15 books are allowed for the whole semester period which is six months

Book Bank Facility :

Students can also take the books for the whole semester in the Book Bank Facility by depositing some amount as a refundable security deposit.

E-Library :

The library offers at present 22 User Computers that are on the SOCMACS  network for users to access the internet, online journals and other databases. One PC is restricted to access the online/web catalog of the library. The library catalog can also be accessed from all other PCs in the campus Using Vriddhi Software.

The computer facilities are provided for academic work only. Users should not use the facilities for non-academic work. Users are not permitted to install any software or program in any of these PCs.

Users are requested not to store / keep any data / files in any of the library computers. There will be no protection for your files / data if they are left on these computers.

Photocopying :

A Photocopy machine is available in the Library for Official Work

Interlibrary Loan :

Inter library loan is a service through which library materials not owned by the SOCMACS  library may be requested from other libraries. SOCMACS  Library is having the MOU of Inter-library Loan service between all Libraries of Azam Campus.

The library also obtain membership cards from the British Library for use; these will be distributed by the librarian to users when required. The library staff will ensure that the proper use and return of the Cards. If users are found to abuse these privileges they will no longer be eligible to use such cards.

Role of the Library Staff in Helping Users :

During working hours the librarian and other library staff will assist the users. They will also assist in obtaining necessary reference material for individual users, providing reference Service, helping to find reading Material’s Location